Call the fire brigade!!!
Call the fire brigade!!!
But wait they'd shut down the fire!
Fuck yeah!
Hell yeah!
ain’t your mom’s name yeah?
Its deep! :o
Tyty <3
These rhythms remind me one song from my past, but I can't remind myself which one...
// \/\/I - // \/\/I - // \/\/I - ....
Ugh I hate that! Granted I have the memory of a goldfish, but so frustrating!
My first impression: holy f&%#, sounds like an intro/outro for a great anime...
And then: ...wait a minute, what did I just say?
Reduce POWA!
I especially like choirs and the final part (change of pace adds extra excitement).
This song is just epic! Salute o7
I guess technically Reduce is an anime too! XD
Thank you thank you! Glad you like those shifts; vocal variations!
Hinotizing song - i'm in! @ADR3-N what about longest track (8-10 min) or even set with different themes in this style (30-45 min)?
So like extended in this style? Sounds like a fun project. Or I could make an extended version of this track
Good Job Boys!
Insane flow - this song reminds me OST from Driv3r (Hip-Hop Version)
That's a high praise comparison! Thank you
The highest honor! Thank you BOTT*!
I like it, and I'm waiting for more! :3
Appreciate it *Bott! More on the way.
Sorry I was away from PC few days - late comment.
I'd like to say "Bott* in the castle" - I feel honored and happy :)
'tsa' is matched perfectly <3
@Cyberdevil I love #22 - Bioloom - Hott* ;)
Ah wait did I put the asterisk on the wrong side of *Bott in the lyrics?! Might need to fix that...
Glad you enjoyed this though. :) And Bioloom's probably my favorite this year too!! Appreciate that as well! And nice pun. XD
Apes together strong!
Joined on 8/7/14